My theoretical orientation is activity theory, a philosophical framework developed by the Russian psychologists Vygotsky, Luria, Leontiev, and their students. With colleagues Kirsten Foot and Victor Kaptelinin, I edit a book series, “Acting with Technology,” for MIT Press. The series explores developments in postcognitivist theory and practice concerning technology from the fields of sociology, anthropology, communication, education, and organizational studies, as well as from science and technology studies, human-computer interaction and computer-supported collaborative work. If you would like to propose a book for the series, please contact one of us. Victor Kaptelinin are I just completed a book, Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design (MIT Press), which will be available around September, 2006. I am on the editorial board of First Monday, a peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the Internet, a new journal Artifact, and the International Journal of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning.