

As of 2019-08-10, has a net worth of ~ $890 in a business savings account (not counting from some moderately old hardware in Mike’s garage. :-).


Operating costs a little under $200 in hosting costs per year. (We rent capacity from the really great non-profit IOCoop, an offshoot of the California Community Colocation Project where we hosted in Fremont’s Hurricane Electric facility for many years.)

All past invoices follow:

Annual giving

Various people have chipped in over the years for the Artifex, both by check and by hardware or power/network donations (and thank you to everyone! Especially to Ben and Jack for hardware, and to Mike for many years of network and power). Our old style of fundraising was just to fundraise every few years when buying new hardware – but since we only have operational expenses now, annual giving seems more like the way.

Thus, if you’re a member, please consider contributing toward these expenses using the via Stripe Checkout buttons below. (At no point does receive your credit card information – all checkout is done through Stripe’s own website.)

Payments go via Stripe to the business savings account, and will be used to pay upcoming hosting expenses.

Please note that while is a registered not-for-profit corporation, it is not a charity or a 501(c)3 organization, so donations are not tax-deductible. (And this seems fair: donations cover services you use, not generally services we give away to people in need.)